Monday, 28 May 2012

The Beginning....

Hello Reader, thanks for stopping by. You my new friend are in the privileged position of being here at the start, Ground Zero. Years from now when I’m collecting my Oscar for Best follically challenged Brit in a supporting role you, yes you, can say I was there at the beginning. You will be able to shout from the roof tops with without fear of ridicule and derision that I am part of that elite inner circle, one of the chosen few, the best of the best and a fully-fledged, paid in full, card carrying member of the fab and groovy club.

This will be the first of many posts to follow that concentrate on all things Film, Cinema & possibly the occasional detour to a little town I know called “Showbiz”.
There will be highs, there will be lows and somewhere in between a splattering of “wow’s”, “oh dear gods” & almost certainly the odd “yes dear, I’d love to go and see that”.

So in true Jerry Maguire Style here is my Mission Statement:
I will review to the best of my ability ALL the films I go to see at the cinema and will try and be as honest and impartial (alcohol permitting) as I possibly can. There will be non-habitual DVD & Blu ray reviews thrown in for good measure too. I will at no point jump onto any bandwagon, pop culture phenomenon or attempt to curry favour with what’s “down with the kids” at the time. I shall stay true to myself and shall not be swayed by large commercial endorsements that are dangled in front of me.*

In closing I shall leave you with the following

1)    My favourite film is “The Usual Suspects”.
2)    I’m Pro 3D.
3)    Aaron Sorkin & Joss Whedon are the best Screen Writers currently walking the Earth.
4)    Lee Harvey Oswald did not work alone.
5)    If you don’t think “Life of Brian” is the funniest film in the history of ever, you’re wrong.
6)    It should be illegal to eat ANY pizza without accompanying it with red wine.
7)    If you don’t like “The Big Bang Theory” then all hope maybe lost.
8)    DC is better than Marvel, (Light blue touch paper & retire).
9)    Hollywood’s theme of turning computer games into films should include Tetris.
10)    Derren Brown is Jedi scary

If you find yourself agreeing with the previous ten statements then I think we’ll get along just fine….

“Exit stage left”.

* Terms & Conditions apply  

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Look forward to reading your reviews. It must be your love Batman that makes you assert DC is better. I like DC, but I LOVE Marvel. LOL
